Coverage of U.S. Supreme Court’s Trinity Lutheran decision

Here are many of the items covering the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Trinity Lutheran holding that Missouri could not exclude the church from its playground-grant program.


Academic analysis

Ira C. Lupu & Robert W. Tuttle, Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer: Paradigm Lost?, (Forthcoming, American Constitution Society for Law & Policy Supreme Court Review, October Term 2016)

News coverage and analysis

The New York Times: States Must Aid Some Church Programs, Justices Rule

USA Today: Supreme Court declares churches eligible for some public funds

The Washington Post: Supreme Court sides with religious institutions in a major church-state decision

Reuters: U.S. top court backs church in major religious rights case

Politico:  States must support some church programs, high court rules

Fox News: Supreme Court rules for Missouri church in dispute over public funding access

Bloomberg: Church Rights Strengthened by Supreme Court Playground Case

ABA Journal: Supreme Court rules for church that wanted state grant to resurface playground

ReligiousLiberty.TV: Supreme Court: State must include church in public funding scheme

The Hill: Supreme Court rules churches are eligible for some public funds

NBC News: Supreme Court Rules States Cannot Refuse All Financial Aid to Churches

CNN: Supreme Court rules for church preschool in religious liberty case

NPR: Supreme Court Rules Religious School Can Use Taxpayer Funds For Playground


Religion Clause: Supreme Court Holds Denial of Playground Resurfacing Grant To Church Violates Free Exercise Clause 

ManagingYourChurch: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Christian Schools

ECFA: Missouri Church Scores Major Supreme Court Victory

Indiana Lawyer

Commentary favoring the majority

Library of Law and Liberty

Above the Law: Minority Of Court Would Rather Not Make A Federal Case Out Of Trinity Lutheran, A Federal Case

Law and Religion Forum: “Blaine Amendment” Case Decided, Without Reference to Blaine Amendments or Animus Inquiry

Cato Institute: Trinity Lutheran Ruling Only Gets Us Closer to Equality in Education

LifeNews: Supreme Court: Government Can’t Exclude Christian Groups From Programs Just Because They’re Christian

Volokh Conspiracy

Wagenmaker & Oberly blog: Supreme Court Reproaches Missouri for Religious Discrimination and Protects Religious Liberty

Commentary criticizing the decision

The Atlantic


Vox: What a SCOTUS decision over a church playground means for religious freedom in America

Bloomberg View: Supreme Court Weakens Wall Between Church and State: Allowing a Missouri church to receive state money for playground resurfacing opens the door to other payments. ‘Trinity’ case marks end of originalism.